Seems just like yesterday you were young
So free, and so strong.
Now there's a creak in your knees
And so many people to please.
Caught in the lug-lines of steel and titanium,
You bent low in the stiff breeze.
Come out mechanic, navigator, racer
And ride.
Departed for the fleche after noon
And howled at the moon.
Protected by softshell at night,
Lost salt in daylight.
Knew locations, closing times, of all the services
Slept in the post office.
Mount the saddle recumbent, tandem, fixie
And ride.
No one knows where you are
How near, how far.
Did not make control today, fine!
We are all running out of time.
So go! man-child, no winners, no losers
Just ride.
Hatsumomo gets new shoes; I have read that women think of shoes as often as men think about s-x. I hardly believe that is true of T-bunny or Obia my 14 going 25 year old. But a Geisha, that might be quite a different story. I planned to ride Hatsu for SIR 09 populaire, she has a third chain ring. So the day before I took her up to the Ranger Station by the Carbon Glacier. The "plan" was to "gain time" in the rain and to "take time" in the snow.
She brought me home safely but the pre-populaire inspection revealed the toll that rough weather riding can exact. (Fairwind usually a fair weather friend got the populaire).
Funny! on East Sammamish, heading north, I thought I heard Hatsu humming; "there must be 50 ways to leave your lover"
But I think she deserves new shoes.
In admiration of Kole (rode single speed)